I just bought a 2001 E39 that has the TALK & R/T button on the steering wheel but I'm not wired up for it to work...can someone point me in the right direction as to what I need to get this to work with my Bluetooth phone?
There should be a card with the paperwork with the Bluetooth code. If not you will need to see the dealer or an Indy shop to get the code. Then it is simply a matter of pairing them up. The instructions for doing so are in the manual or there is a video on the BMW site showing the pairing process..
9 times out of 10, the pairing code is four 0's anyway I don't think that's what he was asking, rspeser. Not sure what you mean by "I'm not wired up for it to work." Your car has to be equipped with Bluetooth, either from the factory or via an aftermarket kit for your Bluetooth to function. Just because your steering wheel has the buttons doesn't mean it's equipped with Bluetooth. You can consult www.realoem.com if you have the last 7 digits of your VIN or know the month and year of your car's production (this information is located on the driver's side door jamb).
No, there shouldn't be, unless the previous owner happened to purchase the Bluetooth retrofit kit. I think the kit is compatible with cars that old but there have been so many changes in the date range that the OP can only find out by consulting with the parts counter.
No, that's not even remotely the case. Each unit has a unique 4-digit code that can be found on the ULF (if installed).
You can either go to your BMW dealership's part counter and purchase the ULF module or check with BimmerNav.com and ask Martin what will work. You'll probably need to have the car's software coded for Bluetooth as the last step in the installation so keep that in mind even though the rest could be construed as a DIY project.
I installed the BimmerNav system in my 540. It works well most of the time. I had to reboot it a couple of times but all is good now. Not a cheap system though.
My 2001 E46 was wired for a CDMA style telephone. There was a small button in the trunk with a telephone icon on it. I retrofitted it with a ULF upgrade kit a few years ago (2004). It works well. You would need to purchase a ULF (Ebay), mounting bracket, SES jumper plug, pairing button, antenna, etc. If you do it yourself its relatively inexpensive. If you buy retrofit kit it'll be expensive.