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12 months, 10,000 Miles, Still Amazing!

Discussion in 'E89 Z4 (2009-present)' started by shelbyvnt, Feb 25, 2013.

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    shelbyvnt Baby Bee...

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    Generally, by the end of the first year with my once exciting new ride, my eyes start to wander.
    More power, less seats, hot color... Wait a minute, I got that! Bringing the Bee in for it's first annual service. Question, I paid to have the oil changed by the dealer at 5,000 miles, call it cheap insurance.
    When I arranged to bring the car in for it's 1st year service, they said it was due for a "mini oil service", so what exactly is a "mini oil service"? What do they do differently, or not at all?
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    steven s

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    Is first annual another term for Inspection I?

    I can only guess that mini oil service is they check your oil level.
    You certainly don't need your oil changed again. Maybe just the filter.
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    What they basically saying is your vehicle is do for a low mileage oil change. Under any BMW maintenance plan you can have an oil change every 15,000 miles and 1 year. So every year you get a free oil change even if you don't drive the car 15,000 miles this is called a low mileage oil change. A full service oil change will be done every 15,000 miles as your CBS (condition based service) says so in the vehicle. Of course as you did you can change the oil at your own expense as much as you like and not effect BMW maintenance plan. Steve BMW in there e65/e66 and forward vehicles we no longer use the inspection 1 and inspection 2 set up. We now use CBS, basically the vehicle keeps tabs on when service is due and saves the data in the key. When you bring the vehicle in for service a service writer reads the key data out and tells you what your car is due for.
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    shelbyvnt Baby Bee...

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    Sounds right, they put my key into a reading unit & it popped up with the mini oil service & a new set of wiper blades. So ring me up for a full detail job & we'll "Bee" ready to head into summer 2013.
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Ah, yes! The flowers are in bloom, the trees are in blossom—it's definitely spring!

    Oh, wait: Where do you live again?

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    shelbyvnt Baby Bee...

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    Dude, It was 84 degrees here in Dallas yesterday. After starring at the small screen for 12 hours, it was a treat to drop the top & take a closer look at Mother Nature's big screen on the ride home.:D
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    GRRRRR :mad: Thaaaat's right, rub it in, ya bastaaaads ;)!

    Here in Joisey it's still winter. It's windy and raining, rain will change to the blasted "S"-word tonight, and we're expecting 2-4 in. of the bloody stuff by tomorrow morn. I actually look forward to a rainstorm; it's the only wash I can get in these days!

    Someone please remind me to seek out that lousy groundhog and give him "what for", he got another one wrong!

    mrsbee guest

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    Anyone that calls his car the "Bee" and starts a sentence with "Dude" is alright with me!
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    (All in jest) Yeah - but nobody really likes a "dude" who brags about 84 degrees and dropping the top of his car, when you're still wearing winter coats and firing up the snowblower in March!! (/All in jest)

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    shelbyvnt Baby Bee...

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    Ah hah! Would it help if I told you I spent the first 40 years of my happy life right there in Joisey with you.
    Then 5 years in Boston, 5 more in Nebraska & 2 more in Detroit. I think I know Cold as well as anyone, but there is something special about going out in a T-shirt in early March. Bee Well!
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    This is me, doing the old soft-shoe retreat...

    <shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle>

    I take it all back...you've done your time, and you definitely know your cold, my friend!

    And now you are doing what the better half and I have planned...after the kiddies are out of college, we're out of NJ and on to sunnier and less crowded locales. So I bow to your excellent choice of lifestyle change!
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    shelbyvnt Baby Bee...

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    Excellent Choice indeed! Now I have one question from one Jersey Boy to another... Have you figured out how to aim the chute on your snow blower so don't end up wearing more snow than you move? I think they design those things to simply follow anything with a heartbeat.;)
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    There's some kind of thing-a-ma-jig that you turn by cranking the do-hicky and the whatchamacallit spins around and the snow blows in that direction...you know...over THERE...


    Thankfully, we haven't had to use one of those machines in 2 years down in SJ - and you can tell this by my "highly technical" explanation above. After 2 years (2010 and 2011) straight of record snowfall, 2 neighbors and I bought a huge snow-blower - and haven't had to touch it once since. I'd say that's money well spent!
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    shelbyvnt Baby Bee...

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    Okay, you got the M edition... Awesome
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Christmas2003-ThirtyInches-small.jpg 12-03-SnowySonett-1-small.jpg
    I bow to no one in regard to Snow Experience. But after 37 years in Alaska, I figured out it gets cold and dark in the winter!
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    Satch, why do you tell us such Saab stories?? :p

    mrsbee guest

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    Don't forget, snow has the potential to make glorious things...like snowballs and large odd shaped objects.

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    oh no nononono nooo no you diiii'nt!!! :eek:
    MGarrison likes this.
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    shelbyvnt Baby Bee...

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    Looks like Satch knows White Snow, but can you tell us about Yellow Snow.:p
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    Isn't that a Zappa song?

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