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Active Suspension Problem

Discussion in 'E53 X5 (2000-2006)' started by srda40, Mar 5, 2012.

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    I have a problem with the active Suspension on my 2002 X5 4.4. When it is could the air leaks out of the airshocks and I get a warning "ACTIVE SUSIONSION INACTIVE".

    Can anyone help me with a cheaper fix than relacing the airshocks? + $1,400
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    Well actually the airbags are not that expensive, one of mine went out and it was no where near 1400$. You would know its letting air out if you step outside while the car is running and you hear the pump working or the car is slanted or low at one end. also if it does let air out, dont let the pump keep working, take out all the self level susp fuses so that the motor wont burn out. Thats what is expensive.

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