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Cell Phone Compatibility In A 745Li

Discussion in 'Audio, Video & Electronics' started by MichaelADavisSr745Li, Mar 30, 2008.

    MichaelADavisSr745Li guest

    Post Count: 26
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    Hello all,

    First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to read my post.

    I have a question regarding the compatibility of cell phones and the 745Li. I will be picking up my 2002 745Li next week. The car comes with a Motorola v60 and I currently have a Motorola V3i. I am trying to see if there is a part or adapter that will allow me to use my current phone, the V3i.

    I am getting different stories, ranging from the need for a Bluetooth adapter to the need for a special cable. While it would be nice to see my address book and other things stored in my phone, my main concern/goal is to have the ability to make and receive calls with cars steering wheel, dialer and speaker options.

    I hope that I have provided enough information for you to point me in the right direction.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.


    Jonathan Spira guest

    Post Count: 343
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    MichaelADavisSr745Li guest

    Post Count: 26
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    Thanks for the feedback Johnathan!

    Have a GREAT day!!!


    MichaelADavisSr745Li guest

    Post Count: 26
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    Bluetooth Adapter

    Today I had the dealer install a bluetooth adapter that I picked up on ebay. It works great and my address book comes up via the idrive. Thanks fo rthe info Jonathan.


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