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won't hot restart

Discussion in 'E46 M3 (2001-2006)' started by rmisackson, Dec 12, 2018.

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    I have a 2004 M3 with 107K miles which has developed an unusual symptom. Car starts fine when it's cold, or after resting for an hour. However, when you turn the car off, and try to start it within 10 minutes after shutting it off, it won't start. No cranking, no noise, the lights stay on (and don't flicker) and all the accessories seem to work. But if I wait 15 minutes or more, the car starts like it should. The battery appears to be fine. The starter appears to be fine. My mechanic re coded the keys and apparently resolved some conflict in the registration, but the problem persists after that fix. Any thoughts appreciated.
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    To diagnosis this start with testing the S terminal at the starter when the problem occurs. See if your getting voltage at that wire when cranking if you are then the starter is the issue. If not then something is wrong with your EWS/ key system.

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