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Has anyone tried the new Roundel Digital Edition?

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by bcweir, Dec 14, 2009.

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    HA! I thought I was the only one!
    Only difference is that I actually have slipcases for them, though shamefully not BMWCCA ones, and they ARE in order!
    (I can't say they're in the best of shape, but at least 90% lol)

    Personally, I would prefer the digital version. I have a room with a useable space the size of my E30's trunk (which is useless, BTW), and the less crap I have to store the better. Not that I'm calling my Roundels crap, but I just don't have the space for it, and I'll feel very, very bad if I throw them out. I hate this feeling...
    But the search function makes the digital copy worthwhile to have.
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    :rolleyes: Rookies ...

    Wait 'til you have a 25-year collection of them, have spent a fortune on cases, and even managed to pick up most of the ones from the 15 years (in your case, 40) years before ... :eek:
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    OK, I'm not that lunatic; I won't bother picking up what I don't already have, though it would be nice to get one from when the E30 was new... :eek:
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    Brian A

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    That is the part of the digital editions I most look forward to: browsing the months before I joined.
    I bought a couple from the late '80s through the Roundel classifieds, but there is so much else out there too; wouldn't want the paper mag; the e-version would be better.
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    Is it possible to opt-out of mail delivery, and only receive electronic delivery of Roundel?

    Maybe that might be a way to hold off another raise in dues? :) ;)
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    It might rain chocolate, too ...

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