Club News

The BMW CCA Foundation Challenge Grant crossed the halfway point last week, with pledges and donations reaching $127,640! To date, $82,040 has been received from 22 of the 67 chapters, and $45,600 has been received from BMW CCA members.

Many thanks for the generous chapter donations that we received this past week: New York, $500; Pine Tree, $500; Connecticut Valley, $15,000; Bluegrass Bimmers, $2,000; Old Hickory, $2,000; San Diego, $1,500; Oregon, $1,200; Sierra, $800; Smokey Mountain, $5,000; Kansas City, $3,600. And many thanks to the Dorks for donating $1,000 from DorkFest!

With the matching donation, the Challenge Grant now stands at $255,280! Let's push to get that last $125,000 in to maximize the Challenge Grant! To learn more or to donate, click here.