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Z4 Convertible Top Motor Warranty Issue

Discussion in 'E85 Z4 (2002-2008)' started by StewieZ4, Feb 5, 2014.

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    I had to replace my 2007 Z4 convertible top last fall. I have an extended warranty, but the dealer said that because there was water in the motor, it was not covered under the warranty. Apparently there is a little drain hole that allows the water to drain, but sometimes it becomes clogged. Cost was around $1100.00. While I was there another guy came in with the same problem. Is this a common problem on Z4s and why is it not covered on warranty? The clogged drain whole seems to be a design issue that should be covered on warranty. Amy ideas.
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    BMW actually has an SIB with a revised repair for this issue on the E85, as for the extended warranty that is up to your aftermarket company to decide if it is covered. Yes it is very pricy because the top has to come out of the vehicle to access the pump. Hope this helps.
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    I guess my aftermarket company did not cover the repair. I will check into it though. Thanks for the information.
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    I too have an extended warrantee, and it did not cover my '06 top motor.

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