I have a 1999 Z3 2.8 and my check engine light keeps comming on after I clear it. When I hooked up a diagnostic tool, it told me the vehicle had a minor leak in the evaporative emissions control system. Thinking it was a easy fix, I changed the gas cap, but it didn't clear the problem. Without going over every inch of hose in the system, are their any hot spots I can check first?
Regarding the Check Engine Light: I own a "98 Z3 w/1.9. Once found the gas cap loose. Check Eng Light came on. After tightening the cap, the light did NOT immediately go off; it did however clear over time. It's been a while, but I think it took about 100 to 200 miles of driving. Also, I have carefully disconnected the ground wire on the battery; and then immediately (first checking for any corrosion) reinstalled it. This too cleared the check eng lt. I assume, humbly, that this disconnect embraces the same concept of completely shutting down a computer and then turning it back on to clear a problem. Hope this helps. FYI, you will need to reset clock and radio code (#'s are found with owner's manual packet. My Z has been wonderful - until this spring. I have a stall-while-driving; sometimes backfire problem. The problem is very startling - a complete shut down. I have done a little DIY checks; some say old gas. Used Techron and solvent to dry gas. Seems better but still occurs. Hoping someone on this site can advise. By the way, my car has 21K and never seen rain or snow - almost as new.
We own a '97 Z3 1.9l w/ 42k. Somewhere around 40k we had a similar stall, sputter, backfire issue. It turned out to be a problem with the injector solenoids. BMW parts=$950 Aftermarket=$650.