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Z3 Crazy A/C question

Discussion in 'E36/7 Z3 (1996-2002)' started by chrissokol, Nov 11, 2010.

    chrissokol guest

    Post Count: 11
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    I found the problem !! and fixed it.

    So after rechecking the relays, and the pressure sensor and finding nothing...
    I just wanted to re-verify the 12v at the trigger wire on the compressor (which
    I didn't get last time.
    The 12v was there when the car was started and the A/C button ON, so
    I decided to go ahead and pop off the clutch from the compressor (if it would
    come off).
    So, I took off the belt. Held the center firmly and removed the 5mm allen bolt that holds
    the face of the clutch onto the front of the compressor to have a peek and see if I could
    verify some part numbers.
    As I took that face off the front, 5 washers fell out off the spline shaft. Upon closer inspection
    it was obvious that the face I just removed was a calculated distance from the surface behind
    it, and that normally the magnetic field jams those two surfaces together.
    I decided to remove enough washers to allow the face to still spin freely and not bind against
    the pully wheel.
    It worked! I started and stopped the car, and engaged and disengaged the A/C at least 20
    times and it fires right up each time. Cold as the winter in Siberia!
    So, thanks to all that added thoughts and advice. Chalk this one up to the "who knew"

    superdave2002 guest

    Post Count: 27
    Likes Received:1
    So you found that air gap adjustment thingy! COOL!!!

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