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X3 - Big Disappointing Surprise!

Discussion in 'E83 X3 (2004-2010)' started by elf061, Nov 21, 2009.

    elf061 guest

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    My husband and I are big fans of BMW. We love our 2008 1 series convertible and are happy with the engineering of our 2009 X3, but we don't understand why BMW can't seem to nail down the issues of the alarm and the XM/Sirius radio with this model. We ordered our X3 from the factory. Included in our purchase price was an alarm system and the XM/Sirius equipped radio system, both offered as options in the 2009 X3 brochure and priced out by our dealer. Guess what? The vehicle arrived with no alarm system and the standard radio. When queried, two different BMW dealers told us that BMW stopped including the alarms in the X3 model, but neglected to tell the dealers of this decision. The story we continue to get on the radio issue is that BMW has a problem with the company who distributes the radio and is trying to find another manufacturer. HELLO!!!!! We have now had the X3 for six months and continue to get the same story. What's up with that? Has anyone else out there encountered this ridiculous treatment and problem?
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    I have this big hole in my dash where the radio was. There's a mass or wires in there and just enough light from other dash lighting to make it look nasty. Cold air comes out of there at speed ...

    elf061 guest

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    2009 BMW X3 Sirius Radio Issue

    What's with the hole in the dash where the radio was? Did you remove the radio or did it come like that? What news/info are you getting from BMW regarding this issue?
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    I took it out to wire in an antenna switch. When I put it back in, no sound. So I took it back out to ponder. BMW doesn't know or care because:

    1) My car is 22 years old,
    2) I didn't tell them, and
    3) The head unit is a Sony.

    Just offering it for perspective. More perspective: a well-liked longtime Badger Bimmers chapter member I am honored to call my friend had surgery last week for a brain tumor. We are praying for him. Don't get too worked up over this issue of yours.
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    This is exactly the kind of penny-ante incompetence that nobody purchasing a new BMW should have to experience, and that BMW should be beyond. In today's world of near instant communications, BMW should have a system in place to keep such issues from arising.

    One's expectation of anything custom ordered is for it to come as it was specified. You ordered and paid for the features. Either the dealer can provide them on a timely basis, or not. If they can't, they owe you a refund for the price difference of the radio & alarm. It may not be the dealer's fault, but that doesn't really matter, you're their customer and at a minimum they should do what they're obligated to, if not more in order to maintain your goodwill. I certainly hope their claim of it being BMW's fault is meant as an explanation and not an excuse.

    I would suggest contacting BMW NA directly with your question, and see what answer they offer up as to why you didn't get what you ordered. I think both BMW NA and the dealer are fortunate that you accepted the car as is and didn't reject it outright for missing what you ordered.

    CR, all thoughts and prayers are offered towards your friend's recovery, hopefully he'll have the best possible outcome!
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    I couldn't agree more plus what is so difficult about providing XM for BMWs? I don't understand how the Acura I bought in late 2003 came with XM standard (take note BMW) yet BMW seems to be thoroughly confused with it. It's the only thing I miss from my, thankfully short lived, Acura experience though :).

    Seconded, I hope he will have a quick recovery and everything works out!
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    Hello Elfs,

    We also have an X-3 we purchased new in 04, and my daughter has an 05, X-3. Both vehicles were delivered prewired for alarms and both vehicles now have dealer installed alarm modules.

    Speak to your dealer's service manager regarding this issue, and I assure you that they probably have the alarm mod in stock and can install promptly. At the same time bring up the radio issue, my guess he will resolve this issue also.

    By the way where did you purchase the vehicle ??

    On a happier note, our X-3 is going on 6 years old with 47,000 miles on the clock, and we still love the car. It still drives, feels and looks like new and continues to deliver loads of fun and satisfaction.

    Good luck with your new X-3,

    Norm W...
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    Our 05' X3 has the sat radio. I ordered car from factory as well. My thoughts are, It's over priced and not reliable. I've been through two. Only good thing is that for every new sat unit, Sirius renewed the subscription with the one year free service. Now that it is out of warranty I live with the on and off problems. Possibly BMW knows this and would rather not get you into a problem radio until they can work it out. If I were to do it again, I would save some dough and have an external unit and plug it into the aux plug.

    Otherwise, we love the X3!! 56K miles, like new. It's a pleasure every time we drive. I'd be writing to BMW, you'll get a favorable response.

    CR, I'm sorry to hear about your friend, positive thoughts go out.


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