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WTB: 73 Bavaria 3.0s Front Window Motors - HELP

Discussion in 'E3 "New 6", 2500, 2800, Bavaria 3.0S & 3.0Si (1968' started by 2furiousd, Jan 23, 2013.

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    Post Count: 23
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    Here are some detailed pics of the the front window motors from 73 Bavaria 3.0s. I'm having a hard time sourcing these. It seems they used at least a couple different motors for this year.

    Can anyone recommend rebuild options? I have even looked through German Ebay, and other foreign sites.

    Any help greatly appreciated. IMG_2501.jpg IMG_2502.jpg IMG_2503.jpg .
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    Locally, we have at least a couple of 1 or 2-person shops that service or rebuild typical electric motors, no idea if something like this might be tackled by someone who otherwise professes to rebuild electric motors - but, I'd say start by trying any local shops that does electric motor service and see if you can come up with someone game to try.

    Have you queried 2002ad.com? You might try them for help or suggestions. I'd also contact any of the classic special interest group organizers for leads or suggestions.


    Also click on the Vintage & Classics tab there -
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    Post Count: 23
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    Thank you. I will give those options a shot.
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

    Post Count: 2,188
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    I would also talk to Carl Nelson at La Jolla Independent. I was there yesterday, and they were dismantling yet another Bavaria (sigh...). Here: (858) 488-1555. Now you don't even have to look it up! Tell Carl I sicced you on him.
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    Post Count: 23
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    Thanks Satch! Will try him.

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