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wipers stop working intermittently

Discussion in 'E85 Z4 (2002-2008)' started by wrose, Apr 11, 2009.

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    The wipers on my 03 Z4 stop while operating with the wiper switch on -will stop at various positions on the w/shield . They will start working again but no pattern. When they stop , turning the wiper switch to the different positions does not help and the windshield washers will not work. The local BMW service manager thinks it is the wiper motor/transmission assembly that is going out "of timing" and requires replacement. I think it is the wiper switch. I haven't been able to have the wipers not work at the garage to be able to check while not working .
    Any ideas will be greatly appreciated
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    14th BMW '16 Z4 35is

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    Errant Grease in Motor

    Apparently there's some grease in the wiper motor which is not supposed to be there and causes the weird behavior. Check out the fix/walk thru with pictures on bimmerforums.com under Z4 (E85,86), DIY.

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