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Wiper fluid reservoir removal

Discussion in 'E46 M3 (2001-2006)' started by chrismaund, Oct 24, 2012.

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    I need to replace the cracked wiper fluid reservoir on my 2004 E46 M3. I cannot find an "easy" way to access the bolts that hold it in place. Do I really have to remove the front bumper to do this?
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    If it's cracked and you're going to dispose of it anyway, and can't see any obvious way of removing it intact, why not slice/dice/cut it apart until you can see how it's mounted, and whether installing a new one intact has to be done the way the Bentley manual suggests? I'm not familiar w/ E46's, so I wish I had a more specific answer for you, maybe somebody else will. If you get busy with a utility knife or dremel or cutting wheel or what-not, exercise due caution not to damage yourself in the process.
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    I belive if you removed the wheel well splash panel you should be able to get the bolts and remove it. But thats going off memory. I will look tomorrow I have an M3 in my work stall for tomorrow.
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    Yes...you are right. I also had to remove the trim from under the headlight trim. All done now! Many thanks.

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