Click on "Become a Member" above and see this: You're already a BMW CCA member, so you can't join again. But you can: · Extend your membership or become a lifetime member. Call the national office membership hotline at 800-878-9292. · Renew your membership online if you're within three months of the expiration date. There will be a Renew Your Membership box on the home page. Click here (you'll get an error message if renewal is three-plus months away). Your expiration date is on the wrapper of Roundel magazine and your chapter newsletter. · Add an associate membership to your primary membership. Call the national office at 800-878-9292. · Sign up a friend for BMW CCA membership. Call the national office at 800-878-9292 or click here to download a membership form you can mail or fax back. · Click here to return to the home page. Please use the main BMW CCA number, 864-250-0022 for calls other than to join or renew.
The Club is working on ways to let members renew online at any time. For now, you can renew online within 3 months of your membership expiration. You can renew at any time by calling the club office at 864-250-0022 and it takes just a couple minutes. (They're good.)