Thought it would be nice to get a tread going that is an easy overview of where everyone lives. Maybe people from the same areas could get together for meets or drives? Some of the other boards that I belong to have an "Events" forum where you can coordinate get togethers. I went on a Meet, Greet, and Drive this past June and we had (75) cars. That was a bit crazy but fun. So I'll start...... CONNECTICUT
BTW Chris, I got a response from Bill Howard regarding Regional Forums here and he indicated that they had discussed it, but didn't want to compete with any local Chapters that already have their own Forums, like Boston and Patroon. But how about setting up Forums for those Chapters that don't have their own, like Connecticut Valley? And I still think that a collection of Regional Forms would 'Rock. That way folks from different Chapters in the same general area, Like the 3 mentioned above could have a convenient place to communicate on joint issues and activities.
Not only that, but there are people like me, who track multiple forums, and the less to track the better. I just started attending Patroon Chapter events, a chapter of which I am not currently a member of, so to keep track of their forums plus this one plus the two other forums I visit every day is quite a lot. It would be a lot easier to just have all the chapters' forums here on the CCA website. This way, people could see what's going on and they could perhaps attend events that are out of their own chapters (if the chapter allows it).
Beacon, NY. The people behind me think my household are a bunch of drug dealers . Haven't they ever seen a household with more than one BMW? They have 4 cars in their backyard that don't even work!
Those were some amazing pics. I happened to have saved one of them for my desktop at work . Let us know when you guys are meeting again....
I think having regional forums would be a great idea. I'm not even 100% sure of exactly which chapters are in this region? Plus, it would give the RVP's a perfect venue to communicate with all the chapters within their region and to stay on top of what's going. Houston, TX here by the way...
San Jose, California P.S. I didn't know where else to post this and this seemed like a good spot. A couple of friends and I decided to all get together and go on a drive next Sunday Aug. 3rd. We're trying to get as many cars as we can to join in on this. No specific times yet but I will set some if anyone wants to come along. All I can tell you is that its going to be food and a drive. If this sounds fun to you P.M. me or email at Looking forward to hearing from you Bay Area folks. Thanks!
Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Some day soon, when you are least expecting it, you will learn to pronounce it.
Check to see if your local BMWCCA Chapter has their own web forum. If they don't, then bug the webmaster here to open up a collection of Regional forms. I've been pushing for a set of Regional forums here, but the webmaster is concerned about infringing on those Chapters that have their own formus. So, those of us in Chapters that do not have their own forum are doomed to posting Off Topic messages in the various other formus and threads... like this one!
Regional forums are not going to draw anything away from the individual chapter sites/forums!? They are two different things. Plus, like you said, it gives those chapters without their own sites a place to go to. Maybe we should post a poll to see if the users of this site would like to see regional (not individual chapter) pages set up on this forum?
Personally, I would eagerly particpate in regional and/or chapter forums on the CCA website. Danville, CA.
You bay area guys are lucky. There are a ton of you out there! I was out there for work last month and got together with a bunch of e28 guys for a drive and lunch on only a couple days notice. I'm from West Virginia, btw. There's not a whole lot of enthusiasts out here.