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What do you do during your lunch hour?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Autohaus, Nov 6, 2008.

    Autohaus guest

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    Let me all give you a discription of my job:

    Ever seen the movie Office Space? (nothing but cubicles). At around 12, I go to the break room and warm up food from home. I eat at my desk and work at the same time. At around 1, I go to the car, clean the rims, floor mats and listen to Mike Francesa on the FAN (sports radio). I also nap at times as well. Maybe once in a while I will socialize at lunch but mostly my lunch hour is my alone time in the bimmer :cool:.

    BMWtoyz guest

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    I mmm eat lunch!
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    15 minutes are used out of my 1-hour (unpaid, damn it) lunch, 10 minutes of which is used walking up to the caf, grabbing food, and walking back to my desk. Then it's work, work, work through the rest of my lunch, which did I mention I do not get paid for? :mad:

    Jbeene guest

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    Usually look for any excuse possible to drive my M3!
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    uhh ya.. I'm usually eating lunch, when I'm eating lunch. :p
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    What do you all of you do for a living, if ya don't mind me asking?
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    A: I post on forums over lunch...

    B: product development for Klipsch

    Jbeene guest

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    Corporate finance for an oil company.

    BMWtoyz guest

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    Retired at age 49, law enforcement and legal profession(s).

    Autohaus guest

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    I work for a company called "Skynet"
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    are you a cyborg?

    Autohaus guest

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    T-1000 model ;). BTW, have you've seen Sarah Connor and/or John Connor? The Terminator series, I give it a thumbs up. Seriously, I work for a marketing company in the accounting side.
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    Hey Chris, at least when I tried to change the topic it was still related to the original topic in some way. Now you're just starting your own "all over the place" thread, aren't ya? :p

    This particular lunch period is spent poking fun at you on the forums. I have to use up my unpaid 1-hour lunch somehow. lol

    Autohaus guest

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    Yes I tend to hi-jack my own thread and bounce around. My lunch hour is unpaid as well. I am salaried, so doesn't really make a difference. I only work like 37.5 hours per week. That beats working 40!
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    I spend my lunch "hour" (10 mins) reading what is going on here! Although I always sneak peaks in through out the day. Kind of breaks up the day, to see what Chris and Botond are up to! :D

    I work at a University in administration. It is okay, hope to own my own business someday! :cool:


    Jbeene guest

    Post Count: 55
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    I hope to own a sweet E30 M3 like yours someday!

    Actually since I forget what the original topic was now, lets talk about how I'd like to own a pristine example of an E30, E36 and E46 M3 to go along with my e90.

    Now that would be a great car collection!

    Autohaus guest

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    What kind of business?

    If you ever get a chance to own the other 3 M3's, then you are the man!
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    Still trying to figure that one out! I would love to do something with BMWs! :D

    I saw a picture once of a guy who had a Red E30 M3, a Violet E36 M3, and a Laguna Seca Blue E46 M3!! The motorsport colors! He had them all lined up in the right order at a slant. Very cool.

    Thanks for the compliment on my M3, it is my baby! :D I would love to have all 1988 models of the M3 (which I have), M5 and M6. I think that would be cool!


    Autohaus guest

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    If I had $$$$$, I would open up a BMW only pre-owned lot (good thing BMW didn't trademark Pre-owned :D). They would consist of older BMW's out of warranty from E39 and down. Ah 1988. Must have been a great year for BMW client advisors. Imagine being able to sell all the M cars as you mentioned, plus the new E32 came over to our shores and a sneak peak at the E34.

    Jbeene guest

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    There are so many iconic BMW's its tough to know where to start.

    2002 Turbo.
    Original M5, M6, M3
    3.0 CSL
    2002 tii
    E46 M3 CSL
    ZHP 330i

    Proud to say I've owned at least 2 of those out of the 10 I've had so far. My first car was a 74 2002tii. 4 cars ago was a ZHP. The balance of them have been nice but didn't have the soul of the tii, zhp or current e90 M3.

    If you ever get the chance to go to the Monterey Historics check out the BMW paddock at Concorso Italiano. Some very rare and beautiful BMW's there.

    Then be sure to sign up for the Golden Gate Chapter's Festorics. What a great event hosted by great people. Took my father for his 60th birthday (was fun even if he's a Porsche guy). Here's Concorso and Grandpa and my son beside TC Cline's Carbon Coupe at Festorics. Was a great trip. Only donwside was the only German vehicle I could find to rent was an A4 Cabrio - would have rather had a BMW!!!

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