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Westchester NY Night TSD Rally on Saturday 11/20

Discussion in 'Rallying' started by lcjhnsn, Nov 9, 2010.

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    Are you going?
    I want to do a TSD rally but I have nobody to go with me. :(
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    steven s

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    A night rallye is hard core.
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

    Post Count: 2,188
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    I'll get you for this, Schlossman!

    I am pleased that SOMEBODY is still running TSD rallies, even if they do stick the @#$%! extra E on rally.

    Here in San Diego, we have a "rally" scheduled this month (I think), but I have no idea what the rally part of it is. Maybe counting McDonald's signs?

    Me 'n' Kenny the Mini Driver keep threatening to lay out a TSD rally for these people, but then of course we'd have to teach them what a TSD rally IS, and that's kind of a steep learning curve.

    Maybe it's time we started a subforum on rally. . . on one such exchange a few years ago, we discussed our favorite rally traps. I wonder how many were adopted and used on other events.
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    steven s

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    Just wanted to me sure you noticed. [IMG]
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    I'm thinking pretty hard about it. Dave Rich is also contemplating. I may already have a navigator, but there's almost as good a chance that he'll bail on me. I'll let you know next week how things are shaping up.

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