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Valve Cover Gaskets Leaking - Have Question????

Discussion in 'E90/E92/E93 M3 (2008-2013)' started by 106598, Mar 28, 2016.

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    Hello Everyone!
    During a recent engine oil & filter change, I was shown by the technician oil leaks from high up on both the driver's side and passenger side engine banks. I looked like the valve cover gaskets were leaking oil down the sides of the engine.
    Question: Are there any separate seals for the spark plug holes on the S65 V8 engine? I did not see any in the microfiche only a typical, normal looking valve cover gasket. My M3 has 112,325 miles on it and makes since that they require changing. Also, since the camshaft timing sensor is located right under the coil cover on the passenger bank(cylinders 1 thru 4) I want to change out that sensor?
    Question: is changing out the camshaft sensor a simple plug and play or is a scanner required to initialize it? Also want to change out the crankshaft position sensor located in the bell housing(6-speed manual) as preventive maintenance while getting the gearbox oil changed and the car is in the air. Is it too a simple plug-n-play or require additional scanner support to initialize? Planning to also change the filter screen/o-ring seal in the transmission during the oil change.
    Thank You!
    John M. Coates, Jr.
    BMW CCA Member #106598
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    Yes the camshaft sensors are simple plug and play sensors. Yes the s85 engine does have valve cover gaskets that leak have done a few myself. The transmission is easy drain and fill job and just clean the screen and replace the crush ring no need for any scanners.
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    Thank You, charlson89!
    I really appreciate your advice.
    Question: Are there any gaskets or seals required for the the spark plug holes? How is the oil kept away from flooding the spark plug holes if no sealing medium is called out? I have replaced many spark plug hole opening gaskets on my previous 1988 E30 M3 & 1988 E24 M6....don't see any called out on www.realoem.com website for the S65 V-8 unless I am totally missing it? Any ideas? Also there are (4) x camshaft position sensors on the S65!
    Question: Is the crankshaft position sensor located in the bell housing of the 6-speed manual gearbox a plug-and-play replacement also like the camshaft position sensors?
    Thank You!
    John M. Coates, Jr.
    BMW CCA Member #106598
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