Do you mean cetane booster? Because cetane is just the diesel version of octane. I use cetane booster in diesels when they have a bad batch of diesel fuel in there tank. ( which I dont aprove of just the cheap way out) Also use it in winter in help cold starting ability and keeping the diesel from gelling.
Yes I did mean cetane booster. Some people suggest it will improve fuel mileage even more. There also seem to be some station my are selling what they call Premium Diesel. Boasting it is worth the extra 20 cents per gallon.
BMW does not approve of using any diesel additives in there vehicles. Look on your gas cap they it in writting on there. I have never heard about this premium diesel being offered in my area stations. But it might be worth a try with for one tank to see if there is a difference. Let me know what you find out I'm interested in this premium diesel thing I'm going to research it.