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Trying to open digital Roundel on iPad but getting looping failure

Discussion in 'Roundel Magazine' started by tbdbitl, Sep 30, 2012.

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    Sorry for the repost - I put this in the wrong place the first time....

    HI. Just got an iPad, and am trying to get the Roundel Digital edition to load, but it fails as soon as I launch the load process with a message http://roundel.imirus.com - cannot find element by id: (blah blah - it keeps changing) - are you trying to add the listener before its DOM? followed by an OK button. I assume that if I click OK a couple of million times I will get through it, but I'm not that patient. Does this work on in iPad?

    I would think that there are a lot of savings to be had by electronic delivery, so I would like to see this happen, not to mention the paper reduction in my house!

    Is there something I'm doing wrong? BTW - I'm accessing through Safari on iOS 6.

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    Update: This morning I get a different failure - it has a popup box with "failure to parse" in it. At least when you tap OK it doesn't loop, but instead goes to the loading screen. Problem is, after several minutes its still trying to load. Haven't seen the issue yet. This is not the quality I have come to expect from Roundel.

    elliottsb BMW CCA Director of IT

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    I apologize for the error you are receiving. I tested it on an iPad 2 with iOS 5 and it worked, so it must be related to a change in the newer version of Safari on iOS 6. I'll test it later with the new iPad and iOS 6. I'll let iMirus, the developer of Digital Roundel, know about the problem.

    Thank you,
    Stephen Elliott
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    Thanks, Stephen.

    For the record, I have an iPad2 with iOS 6, but hopefully it is an OS based issue.

    Jerry Lawson
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    I have a similar issue on an iPhone 5 using iOS 6. Keeps giving me this error message:

    When I touch "ok" it simply reloads the same error message. I'm not even able to shut-off Safari to rid my phone of this annoyance. What's up?
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    You may have figured it out now, but to clear the looping safari, go to thr General tab, and under Safari, select clear cache
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    Oops - it's clear history, not cache

    elliottsb BMW CCA Director of IT

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    Update: We received word from iMirus that they are changing Digital Roundel to make it work with iOS 6. They won't be finished with the change until January at the earliest. So, the club has stepped up it's search for a Roundel iPad app. Stay tuned to Roundel Weekly for more details...
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    Some deadline. Of course I live in New England and according to weather reports, I may get my power back about then.
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    Have you tried Zinio? I get one of my magazine's with this app. How come you cannot use the Apple newstand app?
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    shelbyvnt Baby Bee...

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    Anybody notice that Mrs. Bee landed a page in this month's Roundel?
    Sounds like an "Atta Girl" is due one of our frequent forum flyers.
    MrsBee likes this.

    mrsbee guest

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    I don't have a January Roundel yet, it usually gets here 'bout mid-month...
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    Any update on whether this has. Been fixed or not? I prefer not to have to try it first, since the solution to get out of the problem winds up deleting all my cookies.....
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    Okay - I sucked it up and gave it a try. The good news is that the problems reported earlier - loops and script errors are gone, and I didn't have to do anything unnatural to retain control of my device. The bad news is that I couldn't access the magazine either. Attempt number 1 yielded a screen from iMirus that said it was downloading the magazine, double click to zoom in, and a status bar that continued to move. The load did not complete, and the iPad timed out and closed down. Elapsed time was over 6 minutes with no visible signs of any progress, no indication that there was any download activity from the iPad. I tried a couple of times more with similar results each time - clicked on the download button, this time got a blank white screen with no text, and a download indication from iOs, but nothing to see, and no indication of completion.

    Has anyone gotten this to work yet on iOs 6? I wouldn't call this fixed.

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