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Trunk-mounted utility carrier. . .

Discussion in 'E85 Z4 (2002-2008)' started by Satch, May 13, 2011.

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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    . . . or whatever the hell it's called:

    A clever idea, if poorly designed, this thing is held in place by plastic push-ins. . . the left one of which does not want to stay in. (I replaced it: same story with #2.) :eek:

    Is this a common problem, or does everybody else have a securely mounted functioning storage thingie?
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    Mine is still stable and holds together great.
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    Deutsch Marques

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    I'm not quite sure what doodad you're talking about. But I've always used elasticized cargo nets in the trunks of my cars. They've always worked great except on the largest of items. But most storage solutions fail at large, heavy items anyway. The only problem is if you don't have the mounting hooks to attach it to.
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    The Z4 trunk thingie

    Not a cargo net: It's called a Z4 Trunk Storage System, and it allegedly clings to the trunk lid:
    [FLOATLEFT] View attachment 3534 [/FLOATLEFT]

    It comes with several plastic "push" fasteners that are pressed into existing holes in the trunk-lid structure. But I guess the left-hand hole in my case is too large, because the thing comes loose every time I close the trunk.

    I'll probably have to pull it out for the run to Oktoberfest anyway, because I can't spare the luggage space!
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    Well scrap that. I don't have one of those. :p

    Everything in my trunk works great but that seems like a lot to be held up with plastic clips. What all do you store in it?
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    What's in those pockets?

    Let's see: Most important, it holds the owner's manual, which is too large for the glove box. (A pair of gloves would be too large for the glove box.) Its pockets will hold
    my GPS unit
    a lighter-plug splitter
    some tire plugs
    an air-pressure gauge
    a small bottle of Griot's spray detailer
    a few rags

    These all fit in one or two small trunk bags, of course, but I keep dreaming that in this carrier, they leave more room for clothes... :eek:
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    How's that dream holding up?

    I really like all the space in my trunk. :p
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    Yes, the supplied fasteners leave something to be desired. Had to re-engineer, but it is a useful addition.
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    I'm all for re-engineering this rig. I'm wondering if I can find a Rivnut large enough for these holes. . .
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    zip-ties and lots of them

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