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TPMS for Beyern Wheels

Discussion in 'E60 (2004-2010)' started by pcbeckwith, Nov 4, 2010.

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    I have a set of Beyern wheels with Michelin snows mounted on them. Very good looking and I love the ride of the Michelins. I recently moved from a 2006 530i to a 2010 528i and when the dealer went to mount the Beyern snows on my 528i he informed me that the TPM's would not work with this model. His explanation was that since BMW changed the sensors, the stems would not fit on my Beyern wheels. Has anyone had this happen to them or do you have a solution? Thanks.
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    I'd just get some rubber valve stems and ignore the light, probably cheaper than buying a whole new set of rims
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    I know MY2010 has new TPMS sensors so you'll need to buy new sensors.

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