For the scheduled maintenance and free check up on the car. I have the maintenance plan/CPO until 3/24/09. They changed the oil, cabin filter, wiper blades and some other stuff for free including front brake pads/rotors . They changed the tensioner pulley and the defective windshield washer pump under the CPO plan so I gotta pay the $50 deductible plus tax. I got a 2009 328i XDrive as the loaner. Car has pretty much the same power as a E46 330. IMHO, the dash isn't as great as the E46, but not bad driving around in a new BMW. I do have a shot control arm bushing on the drivers side that my indy mechanic told me about last weekend. The dealer quoted me @ $670 just for one side . I told them that I will change that on my own. Much cheaper for me to buy the part and have my mechanic swap it out. An icing on the cake came this morning when I dropped the car off: I was admiring a BMW poster in the SA's office. It shows the first 5er (E12) through the currenty 5er (E60). Its huge and I asked him where I can buy that. He told me that he would give it to me when they move back to there new facility in October of this year. He put my name and # on the frame. I can't wait to get it in my hands
Chris that picture of your son was so much cuter than that monster you have now in your signature line!! Scary Ugle! Glad to hear they replaced a bunch of parts on your E46. Too bad about the control arm. Is it different from the RWD E46? GR
My head is like Donavan McNabb's-a nut case. Sloth is FTW..hahaha. Yes, the xi's control arm is unique and is more expensive than a RWD E46 . I should get it back later on today. The 328i XDrive is good but not great IMHO.
Did you not get the CPO warranty as well? Wouldn't that cover the control arm? I Hope you are ok with all this snow in Beacon, that is the only thing i do not miss about living there.
I just got back from the dealership. They changed a boatload of parts and all for $53 and change. They claim that the bushing is not covered since it is a "wear and tear" item. Mike Miller tore me a new one in an email because I had asked him if I should us the "goodwill" approach on them. He mentioned that I should save it on a more expensive repair! He is right. I will just buy the arm and bushing(s) and have my mechanic change them.
That is a amazing poster. The SA is supposed to call me when they move back to the renovated building. I was there last week and my name and number is still on that poster . If I do end of getting it, I will post pics!
They made the E60 look so huge compared to the E39. The E12 looks like an Isetta when compared to the size of the current 5er. Good job locating the pic