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Thoughts on Bavarian Autosport..? Not Pleased.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AlpineRob, Aug 8, 2008.

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    Post Count: 6
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    Hi there
    For several years now, I have been purchasing my bmw parts from bavarian autosport. I am looking for someone to calm me down because every time I seem to go there, I leave disappointed. I find most of the time that what I need is never in stock..or what I Need or Want is far too over priced..As some of you may know - a lot of the parts being sold from Bavarian Autosport are not even bmw parts- they are after market. I was looking to purchase new spark plug wires and I come to find that they ended up being over a 100$ over priced and even better...they were a No Name brand... I am also saddened to see how Bav Auto refuses to offer a CCA discount.. How could they Not!? I am now seeing how great BMP is over Bav.. I was shocked to see how Bav is now charging over 30$ for a bmw hood emblem. Just a few months ago they were charging only 14..whats going on..??? and dont tell me because of the rising cost of fuel..BS. I was told many of their prices are coming up because BMW is charging those amounts..well correct me if i'm wrong but isn't the reason why we bmw owners buy from places like Bavarian because we want to avoid the ridiculous costs from the dealers..?

    Since im on a role here I should also complain about their so called "Monthly Specials"...this is a joke for me...The only things they place on sale are items that no one buys such as a seat cover for your dogs...and air fresheners...

    I will say however that the Bav Auto staff is great. I have never had an issue where i became frustrated with an employee. Their phone services couldn't be better and everyone seems to know what they are talking about. Thanks a lot to all of them.

    If I seem way to bitter please feel free to help sway my mind with this. I welcome all comments and arguments. Thanks!
    • Staff

    steven s

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    I do know OE BMW parts have risen since prices have been adjusted based on the Euro.

    Autohaus guest

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    Good points. I two was shocked about the hood emblems being $30+ :eek:. However, they do price matches, so I went to bimmerparts.com and they had both the hood and trunk emblems at $17 a piece, so bavauto price matched it. Just go to other sites and find cheaper prices, buy from them or have bavauto price match it. Nice E30 by the way.

    Jonathan Spira guest

    Post Count: 343
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    I don't really see the problem. If they are more expensive, you buy from another source.

    They are not obligated to offer a BMW CCA discount. Not everyone does. That's a business decision and it can influence your decision as to whether you deal with them - or not.

    This is a free market economy. No cause for bitterness on your part.

    M3Driver guest

    Post Count: 619
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    I agree with Jonathan. From time to time, I've used Bav Auto, Turner, and others as an option to purchasing from my local dealer. By the time you pay shipping and any local sales tax, any savings that you could have incurred can be gone.

    That said; I have typically had better deals from my local BMW dealer who sometimes knocks an extra bit off because I am a good customer who has bought more than a few cars from them over the past 8 years and typically hit them for service. :D

    My .02...
    • Technical Service Advisor

    Jenny Morgan

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    Seat Covers

    Yeah... you made me think...

    Where's a good source for seat covers for an E30 sport seat?

    • Technical Service Advisor

    Jenny Morgan

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    Since When? The government has been handing out corporate welfare for decades and decades... Free Market, yeah, sure.

    Jonathan Spira guest

    Post Count: 343
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    Jenn, good to see you here on the Web site and I'm glad this is provoking some thought on suppliers.

    Hopefully someone may come by with a good suggestion but my initial inclination would be to look on eBay.

    Jonathan Spira guest

    Post Count: 343
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    My comment was confined to BMW parts. Corporate bailouts (why we bailed out Chrysler but NOT Pan Am is beyond me) are a different story entirely.

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