So: I go to YouTube and find myself near the end of a CB Scott video (this one) and decided I needed to do something with it. First I downloaded a program that would let me download a YouTube video. Then I downloaded Windows free built-in video editor. Then I downloaded a program that would let me convert the YouTube video to a workable format. Then I downloaded a music-editing file. Then I downloaded a file that would convert the iTunes format to something I could edit. Then I clipped out my ten seconds of fame, added it again in slow-mo, edited "Hitchcock Railway" and added it, slapped on the credits, and voila! Tire-shredding action! Now my question is: Do we have a way of mounting video files to the BMW CCA website?
Well, all righty then! But if I upload it to YouTube, why not just say click here?! Anyway, let's try your method:
You can, but... 1. Someone may be more inclined to view it if they see the image. 2. We want people to stay on the site. and 3. Because we can.
1. Real subtle stripes on that white car. 2. The copyrifht maniacs heard Joe through the aether, and they've put up their fences; so we must goto youtube after all.
Oh? Well, it still seems to work embedded above. . . They DID point out that I seem to have employed a copyright work, "Hitchcock Railway." I call it fair use.
Must be something on my side, then. Perhaps my ISP is in a list of known content-users. Don't you love the smart Innernet? First embedded vid plays on the CCA site, second one gives me the "no-no" message shown.
Satch, You finally pay off the Roadster, and this is how you treat it Nice slide!!! Houston hasn't had an event since early November, so I'm not so patiently waiting do get back out there at the end of January. I need my driving fix.
Any inept lurches during the transitions I blame on the drive-by-wire system. And Steve Dinan agrees with me, so shut up!