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Things to do at 100k?

Discussion in 'E90/E91/E92/E93 (2006-2011)' started by Swooz, Mar 1, 2022.

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    I just hit 101K miles on my 09 328i. Bought it new. Stay on top of maintenance. Is there anything special I need to have done soon?
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    So no replies?? Come on people, help me out.
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    Change all the Engine gaskets
    Coolant lines probably needs changing
    Replace Cabin filter
    Gasoline treatment
    Replace water pump and thermostat
    have more frequent oil changes . Like instead of every 5000 miles I would do every 3000 miles
    Start using 93 at the gas station on fill up.
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    I think you don’t need to do anything special. My 2011 335is that I bought new nearly 12 years ago, has 247k miles and still runs like new. I did have to replace a water pump a couple of months ago, plus new injectors (I never cleaned them), plug coils, turbos, shocks and struts. It uses practically no oil (same as when new). I used dealer maintenance exclusively. At about 100k miles I had a Dinan stage three upgrade and replaced the fuel pump and valve cover, which was found to be warped. I am a bit concerned about the possibility of worn wheel bearings, but the vehicle is inspected each time I take it in for maintenance. I used the book oil change intervals, which the garage has now reduced to 8000 miles. I may never give this BMW up. It has done everything I asked of it, including towing my motorcycle trailer.
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    Thanks for the info. Happy to know my car may last many more miles. FYI...I haven't had to to the water pump yet, but had to replace the bushings, shocks/struts, one plug coil and valve cover. Love my Beamer.
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    So...just got my car back from BMW Annapolis. It was in for a brake fluid flush and was told it would take a few hours. Three hours later I called and asked to speak with the service department to get an update. Found out the front right caliper was warped and they couldn't get it off. Wanted $1,000 to install a new caliper!! I asked to speak with the service manager. Explained to him I was disappointed that no one called to let me know there were issues; that the tech told me I didn't need to change that one caliper. Long story short, after a long discussion with the service manager and him finding out I've had ALL my service at their dealership since I first purchased the care, he told me they would change out the caliper at no charge and just had me pay for the flush. Finally, someone did the right thing.
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    steven s

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    A warped caliper? Never heard that before. Sounds more like a bolt was seized. Warped rotors, sure.

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