Here's wishing the best of this holiday to all of you, my fellow BMWCCA asylum inmates! Be safe and enjoy everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving! Going to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with co-workers. How many of you want to spend time outside the office with whom you work with?
Well Steven, you work with some really awesome people, so lucky you. Thanksgiving always equals me crying in the bathroom cause my feelings get hurt...good news is it only happened once this year...and luckily enough I had my phone with me so all I had to do to cheer back up was pull up the CCA forums and smile big. (Alright, perhaps somebody got into the sappy holiday spirit too soon) I managed not to give anybody food poisoning, thats good news right!?!?!
Nikki, looks very inviting! At the risk of prying, why does Thanksgiving equal you crying somewhere? Of course you don't have to answer, but IMO that's one of the great things about this particular shopping for gifts, no decorating necessary, just relax, eat and drink, watch some football if inclined, and enjoy the company of whomever you wish to spend it with. Of course if you are cooking it's a lot of work and I understand how that could get you crazy after a while. Christmas, on the other hand, is CLEARLY a holiday centered around children LOL! When you're a child, Christmas is all magical and wondrous and fun and toys and the whole an adult, it's almost like having another job! Of course it all how in how one looks at things...and now that I've started to sound like a bad Hallmark card, I will give it a rest!!!
Don't worry, you're not prying. Truth be told, I am just a sensitive sort and sometime I am just too emotional for my own good. Mother in laws and me have always had a colorful past, and well, sometimes things can be said and feelings can get hurt. I am pretty sure that it isn't on purpose, but I still hurt the same. I can think back to my wild younger days of thanksgiving being a time my dad and I would get a case of beer and eat tacos. Simple times, times before when the casserole became king and the happiness of the crowd depended on how much of the table you could actually see after the food was presented. Coming from the girl that has just about killed herself with food (or lack thereof) the holidays and family meals always leave me feeling quite emotional and vulnerable. It just kind of makes me depressed to see people get so wrapped up in overconsumption and the very next day all the magazines and papers and Internet articles tell you how to "shed that holiday fat" It is at that point I realize that I will never be up to our societies standards, and it hurt. Sometimes, just sometimes a big glass of wine helps. More often than not, a good solid rant on a forum helps too.
Oh man....I knew something was missing. I had the beer. Fortunately I had to work this weekend and was able to miss going to the family dinner. To make it better, I have an hour and a half drive each way on 2-lane roads to help unwind. Another hour to go, before I get to drive home.
It was awesome but toooooo dammmmmmm short. However, we did decorate almost the entire house for Christmas (just some ornaments on trees and it will be completely finished)! Hope yours was good too. A good part about this past weekend was that for once it wasn't ruined by yet another Eagles loss (they waited until last night to do that LOL).
Ahhhhh, the mother-in-law...gotta love 'er (no, ya really don't!)... After 26 years of marriage one learns to ignore. My mother-in-law talks SOOO much and much of it is pure babble - but she's a good soul and we've always gotten along. Not to say it's a perfect relationship is...but I'm lucky to have 2 good in-laws who are loving, caring and always helpful. My father-in-law is actually more of a me he's into beer, sports, cars, home projects, and can talk a good political game. He's in his late-70's and in better health, he used to help me out a lot around the homestead. You said "mother-in-laws" many are we talking here? Good LORD, woman!
Well, I suppose I can count the "Legal" number of mother-in-laws on one finger, one bad marriage, one mentally handicapped mother in law. She was fine, but a lot of work. I still miss her, and wonder how she's doing. Current, non "Legal" mother-in-law is sweet, just southern, very southern. I'm Midwestern, very Midwestern. It clashes sometimes, but we always have a good time. I could do without the constant snooping though... Beer always makes things better, but alas, Eggnog season is here. Bring on the Nutmeg shaker, rocks glass and a nice big bottle of Brandy. I'll get in the Christmas spirits...errr...I mean spirit.
Someday, a light goes on and you realize that the past is gone and you don't need to carry any unnecessary baggage. Time is finite, don't waste on things or people you can't control.
I quite like the bumper sticker that reads GUILT IS AN OPTION. I am currently writing a self-help book for the totally hosed. I think the underlying message must be TURN OFF THE $%$^! HOSE.
I've always had a great deal of sympathy for those folks that are screwed by fate. However, those folks that are screwed by choice are the really sad ones that drain the life from you. Avoid them, if possible.