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suspention info book?

Discussion in 'DIY (Do-It-Yourself)' started by Devilsown, Jan 15, 2009.

    Devilsown guest

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    I am really into modding suspentions and brakes before engine mods, aside from the basic intake and exhaust and software. I would like to say I know my stuff on brakes as it is fairly strait forward.

    As for suspention I was read and gather info from what people have said but is there anywhere I can read all the technial stuff on suspention like how does spring rates effect the overall handing of the car and how much is to much rebound and damper settings of and stuff like that.

    If some one would or could point me in the right direction that would be amazing
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    try the "To Win" series by Caroll Smith

    mac townsend guest

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    It is spelled "suspension".

    Carroll Smith's books won't help a lot, they are aimed at preparation and hardware knowledge. Not suspension setup and design, especially on touring cars.

    Fred Puhn's could help, though again, a touring car has huge limitations:
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    That was my next suggestion. However, I know that DO was planning on doing some autoxing (or something) and probably should still look into the Caroll Smith books.

    mac townsend guest

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    Carroll's books are strong info that one needs to know and understand. That's why he wrote them. things like the difference between single and double shear are of no real use for touring car beginners (while the sections on safety wiring ARE, but will be totally ignored<sigh> )

    I loaned out my copy of Fred's book a long time ago and never got it back so i can't recall exactly what he covered. But the San Diego Region, SCCA, where he lived (and still lives AFAIK) and was active, was a strong AutoX region and I would imagine there is good info in there for this. Fred built the Quasar DS/R and CS/R cars in teh 70s and the Quasar modular wheels, among other things. One hellova nice guy.

    Recently I sent my set of Carroll's books to a novice in S Carolina who was asking too many questions <G> in an online forum. In his case he was trying to catch up with what his grampa was telling him. Having gone thru that, from the grampa side, I figured he had more use out of these original (handed over by Carroll hisself!) editions than I was going to have any time soon.

    Devilsown guest

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    yea Im not the best speller... :rolleyes: but I am good with a wrench... :D

    And for the books: I hate saftey wire with every drop of blood in my body, but Im sure not to many people have to saftey wire RF connectors... in very hard to reach places, sometimes I really hate my job.
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    Not trying to be hard on you, but this is the reason your teachers told you to learn it. Computers are even dumber than we are, but the information they can provide far exceeds anything we can imagine. Unfortunately, that means we need to spell things the way they are spelled in order to access that information (unless you'll be satisfied reading stuff that only bad spellers offer - and personally, I usually figure that's a bad sign ...). The only thing you need to do is to use a browser that has a spelling checker, like Mozilla Firefox, and pay attention to it. It will underline every word it 'thinks' is misspelled. Then, when you highlight it and right click, it will offer you the best guess it has, right at the top. Much more often than not, it will be correct.
    Think how much you'll suddenly hate your hobby when your non-safety-wired shift linkage falls apart and you go merrily tumbling through a pea gravel pit when you miss a downshift. :mad:

    Devilsown guest

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    My teachers didnt care about me in school, so I didnt care and I still really dont.

    As for saftey wire I'm sure anything on a car is way easy in compairson to the stuff I do on Aircraft. Its not that I cant do it by hand or plyers I just hate doing it when Im arms deep in and I cant see what Im doing and I have to do it all by feel.
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    kinda reminds me of that old joke about the reporter interviewing the drunk at the bar...

    Reporter: "Sir, what do you think about education, and apathy?"

    Whino: "I don't know, and I don't care!"

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