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Sunroof repair advice??? E36 Coupe

Discussion in 'E36 (1992-1999)' started by hemrich, Sep 14, 2009.

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    I'm having a bit of a problem with the sunroof for my 1993 318is. The outer metal panel has closed properly but the inner panel has not. if the outer panel is closed the inner panel can be pulled forward to a nearly closed position by hand to reduce the road noise...but I'd like to restore it to proper operation without paying BMW $100/hour to take it apart since this car has 278,000 miles on it and still looks and drives well.

    Now we know why the e46 and e90 inner sunroof panels are manually operated!!!

    Has anyone on this forum acutally done their own repairs on this mechanism??


    Hal Emrich
    hemrich@att.net member 111171

    PS I've been thru the door panel drill that appears elsewhere in this forum and replaced one panel and repaired the second one. A properly placed screw can help!
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    Sun shade repair

    Yes, this is a DIY repair although not much fun and you will need some small parts from BMW. Go out on the internet for instructions on this. It involves reattaching the inner panel to the actual sunroof panel with it's spring loaded suspension parts. Think small tools and small hands but you can do it..

    Have fun,

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