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South Carolina - Time for BMW and BMWCCA to Leave

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by 179464, Apr 21, 2015.

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    Post Count: 3
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    Does anybody car that BMW and BMWCCA reside in one of the most educationally backward, highest crimes against women, children born out of wedlock, etc etc. Why do we support a company and a club that resides in this state.

    Education: South Carolina ranks number 51
    Crimes against women: South Carolina ranks #1
    Children Born out of Wedlock:
    South Carolina ranks #4
    Incarcination Rates
    South Carolina ranks 10th

    I , for one , can't see any reason for BMW or BMWCCA to be supporting a state like this.
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    Post Count: 3
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    Does anybody car that BMW and BMWCCA reside in one of the most educationally backward, highest crimes against women, children born out of wedlock,intolerant, etc etc states in the country. Why do we support a company and a club that resides in this state. More importantly this state has little that BMW represents itself as, or what the vast majority of its customers believe themselves to represent.

    Education: South Carolina ranks number 51
    Crimes against women: South Carolina ranks #1
    Children Born out of Wedlock:
    South Carolina ranks #4
    Incarcination Rates
    South Carolina ranks 10th

    36, South Carolina
    Tolerance score: 48 out of 100
    Hate crime score: 13 out of 40
    Discrimination score: 30 out of 40
    Gay rights score: -1 out of 10
    Religious Tolerance score: 6 out of 10
    Hate crime incidents per 100,000 residents:: 2.7 (27 out of 50 states)
    Discrimination cases filed per 100,000 residents:: 10.6 (9 out of 50 states)
    Population in support of same-sex marriage:: 32%
    Population that believes many religions lead to eternal life:: 61%

    I , for one , can't see any reason for BMW or BMWCCA to be supporting a state like this.
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    Doug Huffman

    Post Count: 6
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    Which comes first, the cart of economic opportunity or the horse of the right to work?
    bcweir likes this.
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    Doug Huffman

    Post Count: 6
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    Which comes first, the cart of economic opportunity or the horse of the right to work?
    bcweir likes this.
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    Post Count: 178
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    Hopefully BMW can act as a change agent by promoting tolerance and equality in the workplace that will spill over into the community. If the workers have a stable and living wage perhaps their children can further their education, go to college and become more self aware and in turn better citizens. Poverty and no opportunity for a stable income I fear would lead to a continuing cycle of intolerance.
    bcweir likes this.
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    steven s

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    <merged duplicate threads>
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    Post Count: 1,280
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    For one thing, you're about 21 years LATE with your complaint.

    Am I to understand that after 21 years and over two BILLION dollars investing in Spartanburg, you expect BMW to just take a two billion dollar BATH and pull up stakes somewhere else? If you invested two billion dollars in a house and discovered after two decades you didn't like the neighborhood, would you be prepared to flush 21 years of work and investment down the toilet?

    I've got news for you - it's NOT a perfect world. There are 50 US states (not counting commonwealths and territories), and with that, at least fifty targets for critics to tell you why you shouldn't call it home.

    You can't please EVERYBODY. The same thought process goes for BMW CCA. I don't know how much BMW CCA has invested in their home, but it's not my place to tell BMW CCA to take a huge financial bath on their investment and pull up stakes somewhere else that may be no better.

    For that matter, what's YOUR dog or horse in the race? You don't wait 21 years to bring this up as an issue unless you have a vested political or personal interest?
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    Taking away opportunity and progress would help how?
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