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So... What's your top fav. car movies?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MGarrison, Mar 24, 2009.

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    lol - I'm hardly suggesting it's deserving of being on anyone's fav list, I just found it interesting that the first one was 54 years ago!


    The movie itself is no great shakes (to totally echo the imdb user comment, which is dead-on, btw), but it's worth a watch for any classic-car racing enthusiast to catch the real vintage racing clips used to fill in the filmed racing scenes, and see not only some great classic cars running at speed, but also just how the racing was in the late 40's to mid 50's. People milling about at track's edge during racing, no safety barriers but haybales, no roll bars, the hopelessly skinny tires, etc.; interesting just from a historical insight point-of-view. Plus the 'everything-old-is-new-again, nothing-new-under-the-sun' novelty of the same title being recycled 50+ years later.

    I had no idea this 1955 movie existed, (it being a bit before 'my time', as it were)- just happened to catch it by chance last year when it was shown on Turner Classic Movies.
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    Then you'll love B.S. Levy's books, starting with "The Last Open Road". Then, you'll have to buy 'em all. If you want them signed by the author, let me know - or go to any vintage race in the Midwest ... ;)

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