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So Cal Schools?

Discussion in 'Driving Schools' started by indycar, Dec 23, 2008.

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    I'm looking to give my brother in law a gift of a driving school. He lives in San Diago, CA and has a Mini.

    I'm having problems finding a schedule or list of CCA chapters that have schools in So Cal and where they are held.

    Lil help?

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    94is guest

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    The San Diego Chapter is having a driving school at Buttonwillow next year, but it's not until September.
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    If your brother-in-law is willing to make the drive to NorCal (Laguna Seca, Infineon, Thunderhill) you can check out the 2009 driving schools hosted by the Golden Gate Chapter: http://www.ggcbmwcca.org/?page=calendar

    We have driving schools scheduled in January, March, August, & November.

    Kelly L. Collins | Driving School Project Manager
    Golden Gate Chapter | BMW CCA
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    Thanks for the links. I guess I'm going to let him choose his poison. I'll forward these links to him. It'll be interesting to see what he chooses ~ he seems reserved enough that I doubt he would drive far. But we know how the bug can bite when it comes to track time :) Mild Mannered Clark Kent might turn into taking off some work days to go play.

    When he chooses, I'll post back.

    Thank you all for taking a minute to respond!!

    Have a Great New Year!


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