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Setting OBDFusion for F22 to see STFT and LTFT

Discussion in 'DIY (Do-It-Yourself)' started by drivingpassion, Oct 19, 2019.

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    Hi folks,

    I have my iPhone OBDFusion app connected to my Veepeak OBD Bluetooth on my F22 2015 M235xi.

    So far, I'm able to see the Short-Term Fuel Trim (STFT) and Long-term Fuel Trim (LTFT) hovering close to zero for Bank1.

    But, Bank2 stays zero for both LTFT and STFT and it does not hover.
    So, I set up another display to try taking numbers from Bank3 and there was nothing as well.

    Any idea which Bank # you picked for the other Bank?

    I have not issues measuring these on my E46 2004 330i & the 2018 M3.

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