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Searching for resolution: E39 headliner replacement

Discussion in 'Pacific Region' started by desotodesign, Aug 27, 2020.

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    Hello, I just got a lovely 2001 540i with the N6TT standard gray interior. The headliner is starting to delaminate so I would like to get it replaced properly. Any ideas? I live in the Northern SF Bay Area. Thanks, Lewis
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    I recommend going to a good upholstery shop so they can either fix the headliner or replace the fabric.
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    This is a late reply but you won't be able to fix the headliner if it is sagging. There is a layer of foam under the cloth that deteriorates with time. When it crumbles to dust, the fabric separates from the foam and glue holding the foam to the headliner board. Replacement is really the only fix. You can do the job yourself but you must use the correct glue for the high heat of a car interior in summer. 3M has a specific headliner adhesive in a spray can for this exact application because of the heat. The regular stuff will fail nearly immediately.

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