Another thread has reminded me of my first issues and my once-relentless mission to acquire every ROUNDEL issue published. While my enthusiasm for the past few years' issues has cooled (I don't think I've collected and shelved them in about three years, so there's several dozen of them lying around in various places.), I'm still interested in the old ones, as are others. The Bentley Digital ROUNDEL was a bit of a bust. I still have a beta copy and I honestly don't know if I can make it work in emulation mode on my current laptop (Win7 - if anyone wants to offer suggestions). There was an article index published a number of years ago after painstaking compilation by, I think, Barb Adams. But that has never been continued or updated. I managed to buy an assortment of the earlier full-size issues from the early '80s before I joined (9/84) but they're incomplete. Finally, I have a copy of the reproduced half-page ROUNDEL issues that Jeff Corey sold many years ago. [I may still owe him money for those. ] Those are of good quality and they could be easily scanned once unstapled, if there's a need for them. I see we have the Digital ROUNDEL here but it only goes back seven years at present. Is there a continuing project to move ahead by moving back in time with older issues? I think that would be a remarkable accomplishment to get our published history all accessible in one place. What's the word from the national office? Am I an idiot who missed the memo?
I would LOVE to have access to all the back issues (and the index). I'm the lucky winner of that last copy of the November 1985 Roundel which covers the Frankfurt Show. I would happily scan and post it, if there was an organized repository.
I picked up a Bentley Digital Roundel off EBay a couple years ago; never tried to install it, although I still have a win98 box it should install onto, if I only cleared out the hd to make room. Anyway, Ebay is an option for that - you can save a search and have ebay email a notice if it finds the specified search.
+1000 On the access to back issues, not winning the 1985 issue, I don't have it, but want to read it!