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Roof Rail Installation

Discussion in 'E70 X5 (2007-2013)' started by modarin9, Apr 9, 2015.

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    Hello! My wife and I will be taking a long trip this summer in her X3 3.5is. Since the carrying capacity is limited (she packs a lot!) plus the dog a roof top box will be essential. So few questions for you experienced mechanics.
    1. Are roof rails easy to install? Per BMW USA web site rails and installation is quoted at about $1314. The rails uninstalled are $612. So can I do this myself and does it require any special tools? I don't work much on my cars any longer but a $700 savings is worth the effort.
    2. The rails will require the base support system as well to carry the roof box. Are these also simple to install?
    3. Lastly, any recommendations on roof top boxes, BMW, Thule, or Yakima? And if purchasing a non-BMW box do I need to go with that manufacturers base support system instead of BMW's support system?

    All help is highly appreciated!

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