I plan to take my 97 1.9L Autocrossing, but I would really like to enjoy my Bimmer at its full potential, eg. HPDE, Time Trials, Club Racing, etc. Most Clubs or Sanctioning Bodies require a roll bar or cage to run a roadster at speed. Any recomendations or advice would be great. Thanks.
HMS Motorsports used to sell one. But I seem to recall that they recently got rid of their remaining stock. Try their website to make sure.
I retro fitted my 97 Z3 with the BMW Roll Hoops via a kit BMW sold for that purpose. That said my local CCA chapter accepted roadsters with the factory hoops, some do not. My M roadster had a "Hard Dog" roll bar in it when I purchased it. If you Google "Hard Dog" roll bars, I know they sell them for Z3's.
I've looked at the "Hard Dog" website, and personally like the design somewhat better than the hoops. Does yours have the diagonal brace? Are you happy with the fit, finish, form, and function?
Yes it was a good fit, we removed it though and reinstalled the factory hoops as we no longer track the car. I thought the finish could have been a tad better, mine was flat black and dull. The welds were good and yes I had the diagonal bar design.
Since you went back to the roll hoops, do you have the Hard Dog still?? If so, what would be the asking price?