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Reward DENIED !!

Discussion in 'Membership Rewards Rebate' started by mbergen, Feb 24, 2010.

    mbergen guest

    Post Count: 2
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    Just received a denial letter based upon "late" application. They go on to ACKNOWLEDGE that they did indeed received my materials within the 60 days- but that the date "they use" is an internal one that precedes delivery AND the signing of papers by a full week!
    I cannot believe this! There is NO WAY I could have known about such a date nad is printed NO WHERE on my materials/closing papers!
    After 36 years of BMW's (over 17 vehicles and countless referrals) they end our relationship just like that!

    They must really be cutting back and I want nothing further to do with this marque.


    office guest

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    We are sorry that your rebate was denied. It was postmarked on exactly the 60th day after delivery based on the date that was printed on your sales documentation. Unfortunately, your dealer entered the sale in the internal database as 10/31/2009 instead of 11/3/2009. They often do this so that the sale is counted in the previous month. Unfortunately, because you waited until exactly 60 days to postmark your application and this is all done through an automated system at BMW NA, the rebate is denied for being over 60 days.

    This is a common practice at the dealership level and underlines the importance of sending your rebate application in as soon as possible after taking delvery. The club understands your frustration. Our advise is that you may want to go back to your dealership and explain that the way they entered your sale date cost you this rebate.
    They may be willing to compensate you or correct their system so that a loyal customer like you remains with the marque.

    If there was anything the club could do, we would. Unfortunately, BMW NA makes absolutely no exceptions to this program and we accept the program with that condition.

    If you need further clarification on the process the dealer would need to take to correct their system, please let me know.

    Tricia Jones
    BMW CCA Rebate Administrator
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    If a Chapter encounters another problem like this, how do we handle this? We can not afford anymore membership losses - ESPECIALLY due to dealership issues.

    From someone who hasn't bought a new BMW ever, this really seems like fox guarding the hen house.
    ganesht likes this.
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    But it's not a chapter issue... best that can be done is to advise members to, as suggested, send in the rebate application asap and not wait; would be worthwhile to ask the dealer what dates they're going to use, apparently, and act accordingly.

    mbergen, sorry to hear you got caught out on this.

    office guest

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    We were actually able to get this handled through BMW NA working with the dealer to get the correct dates. If this happens to anyone in the future, my best advise is to contact us directly at rewards@bmwcca.org and also contact your dealer to see what date they used in their internal system and ask them to correct it.

    However, even better advise would be to mail the application as soon as you take delivery! It eliminates this scenario and it gets you your check that much faster.

    Tricia Jones
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    +1 Why wait till the last minute. You know the deadline is out there.
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    So, are we gonna hear a "Thanks" from mbergen? A "Maybe I'll stick around; it was all just a misunderstanding"? Maybe even lay eyes on the new Bimmer at Oktoberfest? If my only post in a forum was to complain about something that got resolved promptly as a result of that post, I'd be a little embarrassed to leave it at that.

    I'll be waiting ...
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    Satch SoSoCalifortified

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    Yeah, he seems to have gone rather quiet. . .

    Krieger pipes up:

    You know, I was just sort of thinking the same thing: Fellow came on a little strong about losing out on free money, I thought, when he was skimming the edges of the rules already. . . and then the Club went to bat for him and---wonder of wonders!---restored the balance of the universe. (BMW NA making an exception?! I can tell you how often THAT happens!)

    I, too, await an enthusiastic thank you to Tricia Jones and the National Office staff! Lord knows I thank them often enough---they save my bacon on a weekly basis!

    ForcedInduction guest

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    Penny wise and pound foolish behavior IMO. Walk over dollars to pick up pennies. Some times ya gotta wonder if they have any clue?

    mbergen guest

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    A quick follow up and HEARTY "Thank You" to Tricia at BMWCCA who responded to my email to her ! Also to Frank Patek, Exec Director who actually telephoned me! I am hearing from a few people related to this issue now, including the dealership and BMWNA- still seems somewhat confusing on how this may or may not play out- changing dates and all. I will be certain to post again when this gets sorted out one way or another.

    But again- Tricia has been awesome- prompt and courteous and seemingly genuinely concerned. If this does get resolved, she alone will be the hero in my book. Thanks, Tricia!

    office guest

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    This has officially been resolved. BMW NA has confirmed that the application was approved and a check should be issued in the next couple of weeks.

    This was an unusual circumstance - not the fact that the dealer backdated the sale (as I think this happens all of the time) but typically the application is sent early enough that it doesn't matter.

    It is important to point out that this application was sent within the 60 day timeframe. This was an issue with the dealership not the member. The frustration was warranted and we are just happy that from the member's side, all of the terms and conditions were met so that BMW NA could approve the rebate.

    No exceptions were made (Satch - you know they don't make exceptions!!) but rather internal records were corrected to reflect the actual delivery date.

    Thanks to all (and to mbergen - you are very welcome!),

    tkotsikonas guest

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    This is an utterly foolish response in a public forum. Instead of getting on the phone with the dealer and owner to straighten this out, you waste time with this nonsense and risk to enrage others, and you already have.
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    Did you actually read the entire thread? This already has been resolved, in the member's favor. That's a rare achievement right there, given the rigidity of the reward program rules.

    Calling the extremely helpful National staff "foolish" and complaining that they "waste time with ... nonsense" is a great way to enrage others--and you already have. :(

    ForcedInduction guest

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    A public posting on the subject would not be required if the original claim was properly processed, would it?
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    Please read the full thread and you will find your comment to be highly inappropriate.

    tkotsikonas guest

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    I know the matter was resolved. The original response, though, was short-sighted, completely inappropriate and counter-productive. This is not how you respond to customer complaints, and thankfully someone within BMW realized this soon thereafter. Feel free to disagree.
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    I don't mean to continue a point that doesn't matter, especially when the issue has been resolved, but:
    How would you respond if your hands were tied and the situation was out of your control? The 'Club has absolutely no power to "make exceptions" as the rebates are handled by BMW NA, not the CCA, so the best they could do is explain how the process works. What do you think the response should have been?

    ForcedInduction guest

    Post Count: 358
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    Regardless of when the reward application was mailed, the response from BMW NA should have been:

    "Thank you for buying a new BMW at $40+K. Enclosed is your BMW CCA bonus check. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you as a valued BMW customer. Without loyal customers like you we would not have a job."

    ...and BMW should MEAN IT!
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    M3Driver guest

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    I sure can't argue with that....
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    Some of you people redefine UNBELIEVEABLE

    I'm not sure what shocks me more - the sheer level of RAGE being raised over a $500 check, or the fact that a lot of it is being misdirected (at BMW). When there is $500 at stake, you don't sit around on your posterior and wait until day 60 to mail in the paperwork!.

    First of all, it's SIXTY DAYS. Not 61, not 62, and definitely not "when I get around to it." BMWCCA actually went through the trouble to print the rules in every issue of Roundel, so that no one's blood pressure needs to be raised, temper tantrums don't need to occur, and objects don't need to be thrown.

    Secondly, I want to know why there is no rage being hurled at the dealer. This goes beyond incompetence - the dealer entered in the sale date as 10/31 instead of 11/3. Somebody wanted to make the October sales quota, and had few qualms about COSTING Mr. Bergen $500 as a result. Thank God you people waited for the EVIDENCE to come in BEFORE hanging BMW by the rope, right? Oops. Some of you don't even bother to wait for the facts to come in before pulling the lever.

    Come on, people! It's a REWARDS program. It's not an entitlement program. It means you don't get handed a check just walking in the showroom! As such, there are RULES, despite the opinions of some who apparently DON'T think rules apply to them. This is as scary as drivers out there who put their vehicle in forward motion acting as if stop signs are lawn ornaments, never mind the bicyclists or pedestrians they could KILL for ignoring it. Yet you people seem ready to lynch BMW for saying what they will do, and doing what they say. In English, that means if the paperwork doesn't get filed in time, NO MONEY! You don't sit on your soft part for sixty days and EXPECT a check from BMW!

    What part of "you don't sit on your paperwork for two months before day 60 arrives to mail it in" do you not understand?

    I'm alarmed at how many people, even just on this board, think rules don't apply to them. That ought to be a scary statement to make for anybody who tries to share a public street, road or highway with such people.

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