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Reports missing from meeting minutes

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by BMWCCA1, Dec 4, 2011.

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    Post Count: 409
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    Why are officer and director reports missing from the posted PDF of board meeting minutes. Aren't they part of the minutes?

    And is the latest Club financial report posted anywhere on the webite? In what 2011 issue of Roundel did it appear for the fiscal year 2010?
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    steven s

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    Premeeting reports added to minutes.
    Don't know about the financial reports.
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    I was just looking for the annual financial report that is normally published in Roundel for distribution to all members once a year. Is that report also published on the website? Or what issue was the 2010 report in during 2011?

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    steven s

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    It's not on the website. I don't know if it is or isn't in Roundel.
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    Thanks. Now we know the website upgrade has not only destroyed the previous forums but also kept the treasurer from being able to produce financial reports over four-months after implementation. :rolleyes:
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    Maybe there's someone else who does . . . but then no one else comes here anymore, do they!

    With the last treasurer's report mentioning an interim year-to-date loss as of August 31st of "more than $400,000", it might be interesting to see where the money's going.

    Thanks for answering
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    steven s

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    Destroyed previous forum?
    The original vBulletin forum and the previous drupal 'forum' have all been imported into this one.
    As far as everything else goes, that is out of my hands. I know you know that.

    I wish I could do something about the length it takes to log in. It has something to do with authenticating the website and our membership database on which are on multiple co-located servers.
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    If not destroyed then what would you call it? Please compare the current activity on the forums with the level prior to the website launch, if you can.
    Of course, but since you're the only person representing the Club that ever appears on the Club's forum, you're gonna get the questions.

    We all know you go out of your way and on your own time to be an active participant as a member far beyond your obligations as a Club employee. Looking at board member expense reports, maybe they should spend a little more time at these virtual meetings and save some cash?
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    steven s

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    By destroyed I thought you meant missing posts. Activity is certainly seams less. And most of the people who complained about the last forum have not returned. If I can figure a way to compare the frequency of posting prior to this, I will. It will be interesting to see how much of a difference there is.

    Added: No surprise. The new site was launched late June.
    This reflects posts only. Not guests to the site.
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    Thanks for that data. Seems "destroyed" was a fair description. Killed might have worked, too. Do you suppose if a change at Roundel had resulted in a 75% drop in membership anyone at the Club would be concerned?

    I'd say the forum has moved from viable to useless. Please be sure to thank those responsible! If we could only see the Club financial statement we might have an idea what this "improvement" cost us, beyond the loss of a forum.
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    At it's peak there probably weren't many more than 2 dozen active members in the forums. Hell; Botond was probably responsible for 50% of the traffic by himself :)

    Personally, I think the extended outage during the transition resulted in the active contributors finding alternative venues to express themselves.

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