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Renewing Membership form

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by az3579, Nov 18, 2008.

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    Post Count: 3,269
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    Well, the time comes to renew my membership. This time around, I want to add a chapter to my renewal, but can't seem to find this anywhere.

    I suggest making the renewal form have changeable fields. I found the online renewal form, but I cannot change any of the information on it, and the only actual "forms" on that page are the fields for your credit card information.

    It would be nice to be able to have buttons that would allow you to add or subtract chapter memberships in the "Pending Subscriptions to pay" section and to allow you to modify the member type and duration of your subscription right on that page. I couldn't find any feature on this site that would allow me to change that information, and while I don't have to do any "information" changing, I would like to add a chapter and possibly do a 2-yr membership.

    How could I accomplish this with the current system?
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,515
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    Unfortunately it is not possible at this time.
    If you would like to renew with an additional chapter you can either call the office or send me an email with the chapter you would like to add and you will be able to renew online. Your dues would be $55.30 including the 2nd chapter.
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    TeamStowell We love driving!

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    You better be joining up as our newest Patroonie!!
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    Post Count: 3,269
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    I'm now a Looney Patrooney member as well as a Connecticut (Death) Valley member. :D

    Thanks for your help Steven.

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