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Regional event Posts?

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by 03BeastCharmer, Feb 26, 2010.

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    Post Count: 128
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    Can anyone create a post in these areas? I wanted to post up about the teen car control school that the Houston chapter is putting on next month, but it said I don't have privileges to post in the South Central section. :(
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    John in VA

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    "Can anyone create a post in these areas?"

    No. I ran into this as well. Perhaps you must be a chapter officer.
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    TeamStowell We love driving!

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    If you contact your RVP, they probably have chosen a couple of individuals to post to this section of the Forum. In the North Atlantic, we have several membership chairs responsible for the initial posting, with all members able to comment on the new threads.

    I hope this helps!
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    TeamStowell We love driving!

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    I can do it!

    I just successfully posted to the regional forum, so if you send along a write up on your event I will be able to get it posted for you.

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