Sent email several times... the same answer: still pending by BMW is more than 5 months and I did not receive the rebate check.. Anybody have the same problem??
I am having the same issue. I completed paperwork on my car 12/28, took delivery at PCD 1/11, submitted 1/12. Right at 5 months now and nothing. BMW CCA to their credit approved things on their end within a few weeks and they are replying to emails very quickly. But, they are unable to providing any new information and seem to have no ability to accelerate things either. Apparently mine also had an issue because despite the paperwork asking for "delivery date" and upon my asking even specifying to input delivery date and not purchase date, it turns out they actually wanted the purchase date. So although all my paperwork is in order and submitted in 2019, they put my application back in the "problem" stack of 2018 applications that are being manually processed. That's all fine and well, but unsure how/why it takes half a year to "process" a simple form. I get mail-in rebates from cereal box UPC codes quicker than this. Very frustrating.
In my last email with BMWCCA, they gave me a number to call at BMW NA to express my concern. I was hopeful that this was a specific number regarding the rebate or similar promotions, but it ended up being just the general BMW NA Customer Relations number. The person I spoke with seemed to not know what I was talking about and said he would route my question and have someone call back. That was exactly one week ago and no call back yet. I do get the sense that the BMWCCA team is also getting frustrated as well as they are getting more and more inquiries about rebates taking 5-6 months or more; but it seems nobody actually has or is willing to provide any answer other than "continue waiting".
All, We are indeed experiencing longer than usual delays in getting rebates paid. There are computer glitches in New Jersey that are triggering the delays and unfortunately none of the corrective actions taken by the company - so far - have had a major positive impact. We do know that for whatever reason their system has taken to kicking back any all applications where the member name and/or address might not match exactly the way they were recorded on the purchase/lease agreements. This is new and has never happened before. One other item that is likely impacting the processing of checks is the substantial increase in volume we experienced in 2018 and 2019 to date. (currently we have 1.5 people devoted to the Membership Reward Rebate program. Previously it was .5.) Please know that we are working as hard as we possibly can in partnership with BMW NA to clear the backlog. They take the problem seriously as do we. We know what these checks mean to our members and it is frustrating for our staff to not be able to deliver on your expectations. That said, we will continue all efforts to move things along. Thank you Frank