Ok. I was planning to change my rear brake pads and rotors. No problem with the pads, but I noticed a strange bolt pattern on the inside of the rotor. What tool do I need to take the rotors off? Also, I picture and/or where to purchase would be helpful.
Do you mean the caliber bracket two bolts on the back of the knuckle next to the shock? Looks like the bolt in the link? http://www.autohausaz.com/search/pn...SKU_Mercedes&gclid=CKHk_sa8qdACFZGIaQod0LADNQ
If it looks like the pic in Charlson's link, that's a torx-head bolt, you'll need a set of torx sockets (or, at least, the one size you need, although if you d-i-y, it's unlikely this will be the only-size torx bolt you'll ever encounter).