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Rattlesnake Chapters 1st Annual Charity Auction

Discussion in 'Pacific Region' started by BMWtoyz, Sep 28, 2009.

    BMWtoyz guest

    Post Count: 181
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    The Rattlesnake Chapter, BMW CCA Announces
    The 1st Annual Chili Cook Off and Charity Auction

    Featuring a silent auction and some of the best Chili in the Northwest. This year's auction will benefit a local member who is being treated for cancer.

    Short list of items to be auctioned: 1976 BMW 2002, Large framed BMW CCA Racing posters, Gift certificates for vehicle services, Scenic flight over Tri-Cities, UT models, Z8 poster, E30 M3 Press Package, and much much more!

    Everyone Welcome -
    Saturday October 17th 2009, Columbia Valley Luxury Cars
    1856 Terminal Drive Richland WA. 99354
    Show & Shine 4:00PM, Dinner & Auction 5:30PM
    $5.00 per person donation please.

    BMWtoyz guest

    Post Count: 181
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    This Saturday!

    We have well over 30 auction items and expect this to be a great event. Please be there if you are able, and thanks to all the donors.

    BMWtoyz guest

    Post Count: 181
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    See you tomorrow!

    BMWtoyz guest

    Post Count: 181
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    The event went weel with representation from the Puget Sound Chapter and a member from "Northwest BMW Club". We raised some funds for the member suffering with cancer and had a great Chili Cookoff as well. Maybe we will see more of you in at future events.

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