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Question regarding autocrossing.

Discussion in 'Autocross' started by Rono174, Mar 31, 2009.

    Rono174 guest

    Post Count: 4
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    Hey everyone, I'm a noob but am really interested in trying autocross, But im a little worried. I have a 98 318ti and it is my daily driver; The car has 128k miles. Can I also use this thing to autocross or its not recommended? I'd greatly appreciate any help or advice you guys give me.
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    If it can pass a tech inspection it is OK. Make sure the cooling system is good (particulary the water flange at the back of the head- it is a plastic POS), no worn out steering or suspension parts, good brakes, and you are golden.

    gokartmozart guest

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    Try it once, and you will certainly be hooked! Enjoy!:D
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    steven s

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    The motor is just getting broken it. ;)

    Rono174 guest

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    so funny how you mentioned the water flange, it just screwed up yesterday!! I was driving home and my cars temperature was going up. I pull over and a massive amount of smoke was coming from my hood. I'm going to have to tow my car today
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    Brian A

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    Man, you are thinking about this completely backward: the worse your car, the more you can blame it for your slow times. You have a great autocross car!

    Me? I'm campaigning this year in my brand new displacementally challenged 1991 318i (http://www.justracing.com/homepage/BrianA). It's gonna be great!

    ... Search the BMW CCA forums for many threads on how to prepare for autocross. Basically its just show up and have a blast.

    Rono174 guest

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    Thank you guys for the support; I'm very excited now lol and very happy that I joined the club. Alot of people were telling me negative things about my car, so i was feeling a little down.
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    steven s

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    A lot of people think the ti is the bottom of the BMW food chain. I for one don't agree. :D
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    Post Count: 422
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    I agree 100%!!, The ti is one of the most enjoyable cars BMW ever built! I bought mine new in '95 and have more autocross runs in that car than I can count. Like Brian said...you have a GREAT autocross car. It's a lot more nimble and tossable than just about any other model BMW has put out. In that respect it is a little like the 2002.

    Of all the BMW's I have (or had), the ti would rank really close to the top in pure 'fun factor'.


    Rono174 guest

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    Thank you all!

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