Again, not necessarily looking for highest production numbers. Not only would that be too "easy" a popularity contest (if I were looking for production numbers I could just Google that or just look in Wikipedia), but not entirely an accurate reflection of "love" for a particular model (especially if a larger number of unwanted, older cars occupy scrapyards vs. being on the road or being restored). Rather, I am looking for the model of the car that generates the most love and praise from BMW enthusiasts worldwide. Arguably, it could be the E39, but there is also still a lot of support for the E12's, E28's, E34's, E60's, as well as the current model. This poll closes in 30 days, and I decided at the last minute to allow multiple votes for more than one model for you fencesitters out there that may have your affection split among multiple five series models.
. The best 5 Series ... ... We all usually have strong feelings (good or bad) for the cars we've personally owned/driven. I wanted an E39 from the first one I saw. But, my appreciation of 5ers began back in 1980 when I tried to figure out how to afford a new E12 528i. Loved that alpinweiss beauty, just could not afford it. No matter how I figured it, I still needed to eat and keep a roof over my head. Then the E28 came along ... oh-hhh ... and when my buddy bought a black/black M535i in 1985 genuine lust entered my thought processes. Then I got the chance to drive an M5. Okay, do I Really need to eat?? But, reality and common sense maintained control over my world. It was determined that Mazdas, Hondas and Acuras would just have to do. Then ... the E39 was introduced. Oh, this is going to be a problem. All my common sense and practicality started to crumble. That Bimmer began to call to me, gradually at first but later with more and more urgency. I knew by the late 90's that a 540i Sport was absolutely my destiny. I just knew it! The rest, as they say, is history. More than a decade enjoying that E39 as much as any cruiser I've ever owned. Such comfort, luxury, style, efficiency and confidence combined with all that GO. To be sure there have been Many great 5ers over the years, before and after ... but, for me the E39 takes the top spot. The direct, connected feel of BMWs from that era is no longer available, so for old-timers like me the E39, E28 and my little E30, hold places of fond, fond memory. Don't get me wrong. Our newest cruiser is a terrific car. Wow performance with amazing comfort, style and efficiency. Love it. Just different from the cars of our memories. Which was your favorite? .
Great story, dmmai! For me, it's a tie between the E34 and the E39, but I really like the current and outgoing F10 as well.
My first BMW was a '77 530i. Manual 4-speed, dual power mirrors, blue with blue leather interior (my wife previosly had bought an E24 320i, resada-green.) I traded in my '77 Porsche 924 in for it off a used-car lot, after it became obvious that the 924 wasn't a family car and we needed back seats and doors. Ran it from 70K or so to 140K, then rebuilt the engine, mild port of the head, performance cam, removed the thermal reactors in favor of a Stahl header, slight over-bore, slight shave of the head to ensure it's flatness. Probably was around 200 hp after all that (176 hp stock.) My neighbor, who had a late 70's Corvette, said my car had way more performance than his 'Vette - it was the time of heavy emissions-control that killed the small-block's performance. Had it until my wife rear-ended someone in '90 or so at 173K. We moved to a '91 525i, which went almost 200K miles until it too rear-ended someone (my son had inherited it by then). That, too, was a very good car, but not as thrilling. My wife's current 328d is about the same size and performance as the 525i - tells you where things have gone in the last 20+ years.
Just to let you all know, I am aware of a 1994 E32 7-series ($600 - 1994 was the last model year these cars were made - this was an extremely abbreviated model year in which production was discontinued at the end of April 1994 to gear up for the E38's, therefore these are the rarest and best equipped E32's) and 1998 E38 7-series ($1,050) 7-series for sale in my area, as well as a 1999 E39 5-series ($850). Little else is known about these cars (I don't know what model, color or condition they are in, but my guesses would be that the 7-series cars are probably 740's, and the 5-series is probably a 525i) until I can go check them out on Saturday, but if you're interested, send me a private message. I am NOT affiliated with the seller. All I know about these cars is what's advertised in my local free classifieds. At such low prices, they're likely driveable but probably need work to be pristine. I will post more information once I have it.
Wow... only four people out of 100 people viewing it bothered to participate in this poll. Pretty sad. A heartfelt thank you to all those who participated, commented, or participated AND commented.