As a new owner of a 01 E39, I'm sort of shocked as to what I'm hearing for the cost of an oil change from not only the dealer but reputable foreign car garages. I'd like to take a poll from you all and get a feel for what you're paying and whether you're going to a dealer, smaller shop or doing it chime in below.
An oil filter set runs somewhere around $10 (can't recall) but synthetic oil ain't cheap and these cars carry a lot of it (as much as 8 quarts in E46 AWD cars, for example). At anywhere from $5.50-$9.00 a quart, depending on brand, that's $50-$80 in materials alone, so I'm not shocked by quotes of up to $120 or so. Didn't say I'd happily pay that, since I can operate a wrench, just that it doesn't surprise me.
I pay about $11 for the M54 filter and I can get a 5 quart Mobil 1 synthetic jug for around $23. I usually purchase two of them so its almost $60 for the whole set. Either I do it or if I'm too lazy my mechanic will do it for me for a $25 fee. I know of a stealer who charges at least $225 for an oil change
$20-25 x 2, 5qt. Mobil1 10W-30 $10 filter 1 hour of manual labor using basic knowledge and wrenching Total cost: $~60 + tax 1 hour of my time
I haven't paid for an oil change in over ten years for this very reason. So for me it is just the cost of the oil and filter and 30min to 60min of wrenching therapy!!!!
Definitely ought to be every man's do-it-yourself task, just like mowing the lawn. Or teach your wife how to do it...! I will always change my own oil. It only takes 30 min. or less.
I'm a living contradiction to BMW's "no DIY oil changes myth" Yes, some of us DO wear WHITE shirts AND change our own oil, BMW!
...and one more argument to mull over at your leisure time: When you leave the drain open at your own garage, it'll be dripping steadily for 3-4 hours (I never had the patience to wait more than that). When you go to the shop, it takes them 15-30 minutes max to drain the oil, change the filter and put new oil in. Think of all that bad stuff that is still in the engine after this "accelerated" procedure. Not even to mention the fact that *you* are unlikely to strip the oil pan thread with an air gun and try to glue the plug in place.
2000 540i sport 6spd I spend $54 on 8 quarts of Mobil 1 from autozone. (On sale) normally its $64 $7 on oem oil filter kits from If i go to a quick lube place (which would never happen) it would cost $85 for an Mobil1 8 quart oil change. (you got to make sure and specify what oil you want or they will give you crap)
$89.95 at Tom Williams BMW in Birmingham, AL, ends up being $105 after taxes and shop charges. Still, about the same as a synthetic oil change at the generic quick lubes.
A contrary plan I wrench my own car, but don't do my own oil changes. It doesn't seem worth the risk of mess, clean-up and disposal. I only clock 3,500 miles per year and so only change the oil once per year. Instead, I go to Oil Changer and insist they use the dipstick vacuum thingie to avoid over-torquing my drain plug. Yeah, a cheapskate paying $50. I change all my other fluids myself.
This is getting to be kinda like the Monty Python sketch in Live at the Hollywood Bowl ... $18.55 for an oil change,! I just hang around 5 independent mechanic BMW shops 86 hours-a-day and take home 14 empty cases' worth of discarded new-oil-quarts, cut them open, lick them out and spit all the new oil they didn't drain into a 55 gallon drum and after a few years have enough oil for an oil change, plus rebuild my old oil filter with used cardboard out of the recycling bin and drill the center out of pennies found on the ground and flattened on railroad tracks for oil-drain plug crush-washers.
The cost is largely associated with materials. The V8 holds 8 quarts. I am not sure what the I6 guys have for oil capacity. You can get Mobil 1 on sale sometimes, which I did, but it still totals around $60-70 for the oil filter and oil. I'll probably try German Castrol next just to see if I can quiet my engine down a little. I have light ticking and I already replaced my chain tensioner. If you take it in somewhere, it's probably a half hour of labor. The $60 some dollars at a BMW dealer may be slightly offset by the wash and vacuum they will provide. ($8?)
I use a local repair shop that replaces my parts with OEM parts. He charged $ 75 for Mobil1 including filter and labor. I no longer use it in my 95' 318ic after springing two serious oil leaks, one in the crankcase the other near the filter. They cost $ 900 to repair and reseal. BMW does not recommend synthetics in older vehicles. I learned the hard way. Jiffy lube charges me $ 47 for Penzoil 10W-40 with filter. I like them because they have the BMW reset light tool, my local station does not. Hope that helps.
If you have to put 10W60 in a V8 the parts are easily $90. Even from Tischer BMW online the parts are $88+, so $120 at the dealer is a no brainer for me. Just do I don't have to del with the disposal of the old fluids.
I always do it myself. The 540 gets BMW Special 5w30 synthetic and a new filter every 5k miles. The closest dealer is about 60 miles away, over the pass of a mountain, so doing it myself saves me a lot of time and some money as well. Plus I have the satisfaction of knowing it is done right.
$75: oil, filter, and labor My friendly indie mechanic does it all for a little less than $75 total. Although I'm completely capable of doing it myself, I let him do it because it's only 7 bucks difference, after the cost of parts ($10 for the filter plus $56 for 7 quarts of Castrol Synthetic 5-30 plus 4% Michigan tax). I'm getting too old to scuttle under cars to save 7 bucks.
Rubbish. Synthetics don't cause leaks. They expose false seals. I'd rather have a clean engine internally and fix some leaks than sludge, which can cause far more serious and more expensive damage. I've seen a lot of older engines apart and you can easily tell which ones had synthetic and which had conventional oil. However, I will point out that the 10W-40 you use may be at least partially synthetic to obtain the wide range of viscosity.
8 bucks for a Mann Filter and O-ring plus a copper washer for the drain plug. 7 quarts of 5w-40 Pennzoil Platinum Euro Blend from Speedy @ $6/quart. (Sounds like coffee) 74.95 out the door at Speedy OC and they even toss in a fresh quart of standard dino just to flush the last crumbs from the pan for free. So I pay @ 90.00 for the whole shebang and the oil is recycled properly without me having to bottle the old oil up and take it to a garage. That's a big deal to me and is worth the extra I pay