I have a 1995 325i. I have to replace my fan clutch but the fan pulley is shattered off the water pump because I tried to put a vise on it and it kept breaking. I am currentyl looking at a waterpump and fan clutch with the fan clutch very tight. I know its left hand thread but I have no idea how to remove the fan clutch while keeping the water pump still. Please help I need my car for tommorrow
Please don't double post. It is easier to help in one thread only. You f'd up. You have three choices. You can buy the tool that captures two of the bolt heads to brace the water pump while you loosen the nut. You can try to wedge something against the bolts and the nose of the water pump,- I use a really big flat blade screwdriver or a really long zero offset 10mm wrench. Or you can go find some really really big channel locks and break away the rest of the pulley. Once it has been completely chipped away, you can try to grab the water pump flange to brace. THen put your 32mm wrench on the nut and nail that thing clockwise with a hammer. This may hurt the flange a bit, so you may have to file any marks off after you get the thing off the car. If you don't get what I am saying, say so- I don't want you to hurt yourself or your car.
BTW, unless you have a spare water pump pulley lying around, your car is not going anywhere tomorrow.
thank you for your help. I am sorry I posted in two threads, I hate people that do that but I really needed help. I deleted the other thread. Anyway, I got the fan clutch off by putting an adjustable pipe wrench on the waterpump and had my friend turn the 32mm wrench, I got it free and I do not think there is any excess damage. I actually have a new waterpump pulley to put on, but I have to do it tomorrow. Thank you for your advice, I hope putting everything back together will go smoothly, and if I run into any problems I'm sure I'll write a post. Thanks again
File down any notches that you put in the water pump flange to make sure they don't damage your new pulley. You should be good to go now.
I sure do! I love the excuse to buy them when I am planning my next project on one of my BMWs! ) They usually pay for themselves in one use. When compared to hiring someone else to do the job.