Red Light cameras are almost always for revenue not safety. Yellow lights are often shortened when cameras are installed. Philadelphia had to lengthen their yellows after numerous complaints by ticketed drivers. Another shot in the red light camera cause is that if it is about safety then why are no points issued for tickets generated by cameras (at least in PA). Clearly this is about revenue. It is the accumulation of points that gets bad drivers off the road. Don't get me wrong, I am not a supporter of running lights, it is very dangerous. But there are more effects ways to dealing with it. For instance lengthening yellows or times between when one turns red till the other direction turns green.
"Another shot in the red light camera cause is that if it is about safety then why are no points issued for tickets generated by cameras (at least in PA). Clearly this is about revenue. It is the accumulation of points that gets bad drivers off the road." It is a legal issue, no police officer who can testify, no facing your accuser, different court rules (civil violation), no points!